Caregiving: Making Meaning: Art as acts of care at
The University of Technology Sydney, 2020

Video of Performance and Event by Kuba Dorabialski.

Exhibiting works, Invisible Agent, Maintenance Performance, 2015. Existing Momentum, Video Work, 2012. Enacting Dreams/Always Knitting, Video Work, 2018.

Meaning Making – art as acts of care connects two largely hidden populations: carers and artists in translating and illuminating the experience of caring into art and social spaces. Danica Knezevic is a multimedia performance artist and carer. The performance work taps into the unspoken and deep interpersonal connections embedded in care. The performance draws attention to the intangible value of time – time to notice, time to be present – time to connect. This kind of care isn’t the kind that fits an audit but it is one that we need to honour as part of our community well being.

The live artwork is part of a larger UTS digital art project which is a collaboration between the UTS Centre for Carers Research, the UTS Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation & funding support from a Social Impact Grant from the UTS Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion.